Do you love to be independent? Are you dreaming of being your boss and operating your food truck or food business? Full time or part-time?
We know that people think it is easy money-making.
We know it isn't.
We know it is hard work and sometimes challenging.
We know that choosing the right product at the right moment is crucial.
We know it is rewarding.
We know everything about that!
We know as we started our business from a food truck and now
we have the right opportunity for you to share the success. -
We know to operate a successful food truck or food business means:
> being the first
> with a vast and quality product range,
> not being surrounded by similar products as yours are
> not easy to imitate plus you deliver a
> quick service and
> fresh without spillage (don't lose money throwing out massive amounts of food (the 2-4 hours rule). Yours is fresh frozen and stays frozen until fried)
>in large quantities in a short time frame.
> The food truck or food business must be unique and recognised by your costumers every time and
>, therefore, become the talk of the event so
> the investment will not take the roof off your home or
> drain your profits or wallet but
> becomes a priceless reward for your efforts, creativity, energy and entrepreneurship.
We gave all of this a lot of thoughts, and we believe we have developed two great concepts: the "Black Box Bitter Ball Business" or the "Five B's" and the "Black Box Vending Machines".
Please, call us (office 0466251577), start a chat (right on the bottom) or send an email to BBB@blackboxsnacks.com.au.